Many plants are toxic to cats. Since cats like to chew on plants, this is quite dangerous. We have an overview of the poisonous plants for you.

Toxic plants for cats

Cats like to chew on a variety of plants. However, not all of these plants can be considered harmless to cats. The poison contained in some plants can lead from diarrhea to the death of your own cat. Therefore, as a cat owner you should keep away as much of the poisonous plants as possible from your baby tiger.

Dangerous houseplant

Many of the plants we have in our homes can be very dangerous for cats if they nibble on it. These include not only the innocent-looking cyclamen but also the exotic belladonna lilies and orchids of all kinds, but also green plants such as the rubber tree or Dieffenbachie. Caution is also advised at Blumensträußen. Lilies, for example, also pose a danger to cats as cut flowers.

  • Tip: You do not have to dispose of your existing plants if you keep them out of the reach of the cat. For this purpose, for example, unreachable wall shelves or hanging staffs are suitable. Or place the plants in a locked room where the cat will not stay.
But not all houseplants hurt your baby. So you can leave the money tree (or even penny) without hesitation. And the Zimmerbambus is considered harmless for cats. However, you should first wash it thoroughly after the purchase, as it is usually heavily sprayed. For example, geraniums are suitable as flowering plants.

Danger in the Christmas season

Danger in the Christmas season

If you do not want to give up your Christmas tree during the Christmas season, you should look to your cat for love an alternative to the real tree. The needles are difficult to digest by the animals and thus cause immense damage to their health. In addition, most conifers contain toxic substances that are also in the water of the tree, so there is a great danger to the cat while drinking.

But not only the tree can be a danger for your tiger tiger. Also various plants, which we bring into the apartment during the Christmas season, are poisonous for cats. These include, for example, the poinsettia , which is so poisonous that it can lead to the death of the beloved cat.

  • Tip: The Christmas cactus is considered harmless for cats.

Toxic plants in the garden and in nature

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of plants that are toxic to cats. Therefore, pay close attention to which plants you bring to the garden. In addition to the tulip and early bloomers such as the crocus, the narcissus or the lily of the valley are poisonous. Also, the popular hyacinth or oleander hurt your cat when she nibbles on it.

Caution is also required for trees, shrubs and hedges. For example, a peach tree can be a danger to your cat. Toxic are here beside the leaves also the bark and the cores. But also tree of life, privet or broom can poison your cat if you nibble on it.

  • Tip: Chestnuts (green peel) and oaks (plant and acorns) also pose a risk of poisoning. Remove them rigorously from your property.

Overview of the poisonous plants for cats

We have already mentioned some poisonous plants. In the following picture gallery we have compiled for you these and other plants, which can be dangerous for your cat.

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Toxic plants for cats

Detect poisonous plants

We can not guarantee the completeness of the list of cats of poisonous plants. Because many plants are not yet sufficiently examined regarding their toxicity for cats. If you are not sure whether a plant is tolerable or toxic, you should avoid plants with the following characteristics:

  • evergreen 
  • contain essential oils 
  • smell suspiciously good 
  • have tubers / onions 
  • contain milk in leaves and branches
Because plants with these properties are often toxic.

3 tips to protect your cat from poisoning

  • Poisonous plants should be placed out of the reach of the cat or banished altogether. Rather, take hold of plants that you can safely classify as safe. 
  • Plants that you can not safely classify as safe should not be left unattended within the reach of your cat. It is best to place it in a locked room that is inaccessible to the cat. 
  • Non-toxic plants can also be dangerous if they are consumed too much. Therefore, observe how often your baby tiger nibbles on the plants and if necessary, put the affected plant away.