Recognize sick plants when buying

Plants are not cheap. All the more annoying, if you just have to dispose of a newly purchased plant after a few days or weeks.

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Unfortunately, this can happen if you do not look a bit closer to the purchase. Who takes a sick plant home, will not enjoy it for long, has thrown several euros to the window and above all there is a risk that other plants infected. In order to avoid that, you should take time for the purchase of plants and, above all, look very carefully.

Ill plants by aphids

Aphids are quite common. If you want to buy a plant, turn the pot several times and look very carefully. They recognize the aphids in their green, brown or even black color. Aphids sit on the stems and also on the leaves. Gently wipe your fingers over the leaves. You can also recognize aphids, because then it feels sticky.

Ill plants by mildew

Mildew is an extremely common plant disease that you will recognize on white to gray plaque. The shoots mutilate partially and leaves fall out. Mildew is a fungus, but there are two types:

powdery mildew

is on the top of the sheet
recognizable by a whitish color
deprives the plant of nutrients
the leaves wither and fall off

downy mildew

is located on the underside of the leaf
recognizable by a greyish surface
deprives the plant of nutrients
the leaves turn yellow and fall off

Ill plants by rose rust

As the name suggests, only roses are affected by the rose rust. The disease is quite easily recognizable, as yellow-orange to rust-red spots form on the top of the leaves. The rose rust is also a fungal disease. The more the fungus can sprout, the more dangerous the plant. A bit of wind is enough, and the spores are distributed over all the surrounding leaves.

Ill plants by gray horse

Gray mold is also a plant disease that you can easily see in the store. The fungus covers the leaves with a gray, felty feel. But also the stems and stems of the plant can be affected. If the plant itself is already weakened, the gray horse has an easy game. Plants that show even the trace of a gray mold, you should definitely not take home.

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