Anyone can reproduce cuttings. You just have to pay attention to our little tips, then it works great with the rearing of new plants.

Multiply cuttings
© mocka -

When everything is luxuriantly blooming in the summer, the best time to replant the existing plants. So you do not have to buy anything new in the next season and always have a small flower present ready. What sounds complicated at first sight, is not. You only need a few accessories and a little patience, then it works well with the proliferation of cuttings.

Multiply cuttings - step by step instructions

Before you begin, prepare the following things: a pair of sharp pruning shears, flower pots, potting soil , plastic bag.

Step 1

SYou earch from a drive on the plant, which just does not produce flowers. One year old shoots are best because they have more power than older shoots. Too young fresh shoots are not suitable because you are still too soft and moist in the stem and could mold so quickly. Cut off the selected shoot by about 6 to 8 cm (about as long as a finger).

Important: The pruning shears must be sharp, so that the shoot is not squeezed.

Step 2

ENow emove all lower leaves. These must not be planted with, otherwise they rot and deprive the earth of the power that the cutting needs to grow.

Step 3

Dhe cut cuttings are now plugged into the prepared, slightly damp, seed compost. Make sure that you only insert the cutting so deeply that no leaves are planted.

Step 4

IN THEfourth step, we make a kind of miniature greenhouse. Place the pot with the cuttings in a sufficiently large plastic bag, with the opening facing up. This bag must not be completely closed, as otherwise forms too much moisture and the cuttings very easily start to mold.

Step 5

Hold your plug propogation always nice and moist and make sure that the cuttings get enough oxygen. After a few days, you will be able to observe the first roots and your cuttings propagation has been successful.