When winter arrives, there is often no sprout in the greenhouse. Just theoretically! Because those who heat their greenhouse, can use it in the winter for plant breeding.

Popular electric greenhouse heater from BioGreen

Winter is the time of year when the garden is quiet, because there is nothing to do in the freezing temperatures. Everything is covered or snowed, so that we gardeners really have no choice but to enjoy the view of the snow-covered and maybe winter decorated garden.

Incidentally, the same applies to the greenhouse. While tomatoes grow here in the summer, exotic fruits exude their scent and herbs sprout, the greenhouse beds are often fallow in winter . Unfortunately, because the temperatures do not allow it to operate normally in the winter plant breeding in the greenhouse .

But with "normal" we do not want to be satisfied, right? There is always a way to get his way. For example, you can heat your greenhouse in the winter and then grow fruit and vegetables anyway.

3 heating systems for the greenhouse presented

Electric greenhouse heating:

Anyone who has already thought in the construction or construction of the greenhouse to equip it with power outlets, for an electric greenhouse heating should be the first choice. Plug the device into the socket suitable for damp rooms, switch it on and you're done. Very convenient, right?

The good thing about electric heaters for the greenhouse is also that they do not develop exhaust fumes and do not require oxygen. To effectively protect your plants from absorbing pollutants that may be produced during combustion. In addition, with an electric heater at the same time also ensure that the oxygen content in the greenhouse is not reduced too much. The only downside: since these greenhouse heaters are powered by electricity, they naturally also increase the power consumption.

Our tip:

If you only own a small greenhouse and want to heat it in winter, you should visit www.biogreen.de . Here you will find electric heaters for the greenhouse, which are suitable for both the upright and the hanging mounting. You can also pay the electric heaters here in installments.

Gas heating:

Propane gas heating for the greenhouse
Propane gas heating without odor for the greenhouse ( Click here for more )
If there are no outlets in your greenhouse, you can also use gas heating as an alternative. They are usually operated with a propane gas cylinder and can even heat larger greenhouses (up to a size of 30 square meters). If there is a gas connection, you can also operate the gas heating with gas from the pipe and thus ensure a suitable climate in the greenhouse .

The good thing about gas heating systems: about 99 percent of the energy used is actually converted into heat. This makes them very cost effective and energy efficient. But you always have to check whether the gas bottle is still full or if it needs to be replaced.

Our tip:

On www.amazon.com you can find the greenhouse heater Frosty, which we can highly recommend. Why? Because it not only guarantees optimum heat distribution through the radiation grids, but is also thermostatically adjustable (0-25 degrees) and also has an oxygen deficiency protection.

Petroleum / paraffin heating:

Paraffin heating for the greenhouse
Paraffin heating : good for small greenhouses ( by BioGreen )
If the replacement of gas cylinders is too cumbersome, you can also use fuels such as petroleum or paraffin as an alternative to gas heating. However, these heaters are rather something for smaller greenhouses, since they do not come with such a strong heating power as that of an electric or gas heater. But this eliminates the connection costs, with which you have to reckon with electricity or gas operated variants.

Although you must be careful here that the heating is always supplied with the fuel, but you benefit in these models but from a longer burning time. So you have to fill the tank much less often.

Our tip:

If you only have a small greenhouse , you can put several tealights or a so-called tealight oven in the greenhouse instead of putting it on a paraffin or paraffin greenhouse heater.


If you only own a small greenhouse, you should use the cheapest version, that is, the petroleum or paraffin heating. If you own a larger greenhouse, you should see whether it is cheaper with gas heating or electric greenhouse heating. If there is already a gas connection, gas heating would of course make sense. If, on the other hand, the greenhouse is already equipped with electrical sockets, electric greenhouse heating makes more sense. If neither is available you should opt for an electric heater, as it will ensure that the oxygen content in the greenhouse is not reduced too much, and you also do not need to constantly check that the fuel is empty on this heating variant.