Many bellflowers know about the garden. But you are also doing well in the room. This is because bluebells are easy to care for. You do not have to do much.

Care tips for bluebells

Although the bellflower (Campanula) is a perennial flower, you must pay attention to a few special features when cultivating the plant. Only if the individual care measures meet the requirements of this plant, you can look forward to the beautiful and large flowers for a long time. But do not worry, these are just small care measures. So you do not have to worry about the plant all the time.

Location and ground for bluebells

When choosing the location you should make sure that it is sunny to partially shaded. He also has to be airy. If you have bluebells as indoor plants , then the plants should be as cool and bright as possible. Incidentally, they do not like warm heating air at all.
As far as the soil is concerned, you should know that bluebells prefer permeable soils that are not too clayey at the same time. If you keep the bluebells in the tub, the excess irrigation water must always be able to drain off. It is therefore best to mix some garden soil with sand or perlite to avoid waterlogging .

The most important care measures at a glance

To water:

When casting, you really have to pay no attention and do not constantly walk around with the watering can. Only after planting should you keep the soil moist, so that the bellflower does not dry up. After that you just have to water regularly.
Make sure that there are no waterlogged bells in the tub. Therefore, pour excess water that collects in the coaster, always away.


In the period from April to about mid-August you should fertilize the bluebells once a week. Commercially available liquid fertilizer is completely sufficient.

Rear section:

The bellflower usually does not need to be cut back. It is sufficient if you regularly remove dead plant parts.
If the bellflower grows very vigorously, it may make sense to use the secateurs, so that the flowers have more space. If you want to do that, use the scissors either in early spring or late autumn . You can also divide the plant so that the flowers are not too narrow.


Bluebells that thrive in the garden overwinter on the spot. You do not even have to protect you from the cold. The situation is different with bluebells, which thrive in planters (whether in the garden or in the house). These should be put into the house before winter. The wintering room should be as dark as possible and not too humid. Temperatures should not exceed 10 degrees Celsius.


If you feel that there are more roots than soil in the pot, then it is high time to replant the bluebells. The new flower pot should then be twice as big as the old one. In addition, replace the old earth with fresh ones.